From fashion rental apps to artisan bakeries, meet the pioneering women from RCK’s video series who are making waves in the business world

You may already be following RCK’s exciting new video series Prominent Women in Business, launched in January 2023.
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You may already be following RCK’s exciting new video series  "Prominent Women in Business", launched in January 2023. As part of this series, we have had the privilege to interview many inspirational women across a range of different industries – from law and finance to construction and fashion – to hear about their professional journeys and how they achieved their current positions, despite the obstacles in their path.

We commenced the series with Apprentice finalist and Managing Director of the UK’s largest construction magazine, Design & Build UK, Michaela Wain. As the first guest in our series, it was fascinating to launch with Michaela’s story of how she forged her path in the construction industry, hearing about how she became an ambassador for women in construction, and how the annual Women in Construction Awards were born, which RCK are excited to sponsor and will be taking place on 22nd September 2023 at the De Vere Grand Connaught Rooms in London.

“…When a female does make it to the top, it should not be looked at as a tokenism, they’re not just ticking a box.  There should be a reason that that woman got that job over a man…”

In February, we welcomed Carina Lepore – Winner of the 2019 BBC Apprentice, Business partner to Lord Alan Sugar and Managing Director at Dough Artisan Bakehouse. After leaving school at 18, Carina gained experience working in fashion, before going on to work in retail for ten years, eventually launching her bakery alongside her dad in 2018, whose own bakery had sadly burnt down a few years prior. We hear about how Carina manages the day-to-day life at Dough Bakehouse and how it’s been thriving in various locations across London ever since.

In March, to mark International Women’s Day 2023, we were joined by Maggie Oliver – Former Detective, Programme Consultant on BBC’s “Three Girls”, Activist, Humanitarian, Speaker and Founder and Chair of the Maggie Oliver Foundation. In this interview, Maggie discusses the challenges she faced about speaking out in male-dominated industries, and how she used her learning and knowledge to help support survivors of childhood sexual abuse and exploitation, which she continues to this day through the work of the foundation.

We caught up with Eshita Kabra-Davies in April 2023. Eshita is the CEO and Founder of Social Fashion Rental App  By Rotation, which was launched in October 2019. Born in Rajasthan, India, and raised in Singapore, Eshita was determined to transform fashion consumption for good, and through the creation of By Rotation, has created a community of sharers who can rent and lend fashion directly with each other.

“There’s a lot of lip service around training, coaching, mentoring women, but we need to give women a seat at the table in senior level discussions – so that they are in charge of their own destiny.”

On 13th July, we were delighted to host our own networking and charity event for Women in Business at The Savoy Hotel, London. We were joined by guests from all industries around the UK to share stories of success, encouragement and change for women across the UK. Follow news about the event on our channels. You can find out more about the event here.

As the series continues to grow, we have welcomed CEO and Co-Founder of LCN Legal, Xiaofang Sutton; CEO, Brand Strategist, Author and Founder of GTA – Black Women in Tech & Tech Brains Talk Podcast Flavilla Fongang; Angel investor on Sky TV’s Property Elevator, Judge of the Women in Construction Awards 2023, Keynote speaker, Board advisor and writer, Helen Chorley, and more recently, Head of Construction at The Access Group, Carol Massay. We will ask these speakers their advice on how companies can continue to champion and support women in business, and how we can best promote gender diversity and equality in the workplace going forward. 

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