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Claim R&D Tax Credits with RCK Partners

Research and Development (R&D) tax relief is a government incentive which can reduce a company's tax liability. It was designed to encourage innovation and to act as a reward to companies who invest in it. Your eligibility for R&D tax credits depends on profitability, size, and the accounting periods being claimed for.

While recent changes to the R&D framework mean there are new complexities to consider, working with a specialist team who understands the legislation and are also industry experts is critical to preparing a robust R&D tax relief claim.

Discover how our consultants will help you claim what you’re entitled to.

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What are R&D tax Credits?

R&D Tax credits were introduced by the government in the year 2000, taking inspiration from other countries with the initiative already in place. HMRC (HM Revenues and Customs), the body overseeing UK tax collection administers the R&D tax credits initiative.

The scheme aims to provide valuable financial assistance to eligible companies to foster growth, and ultimately further their research and development via corporation tax relief, or a cash lump sum.

R&D Tax Credit Scheme Changes

Two schemes formerly characterised the R&D landscape:

Small and medium-sized enterpises (SMEs)
Research and Development Expenditure Credit (RDEC) designed for large companies and SME's that were contracted by large companies or received subsidies

However, these schemes merged from accounting periods beginning on or after 1 April 2024, and here's what you need to know:

1. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME)
The SME R&D scheme provides relief of qualifying R&D incurred costs for micro, small and medium-sized companies. This rate is up to a maximum of 33% (pre April '23) and up to a limit of 27% (post April '23).
2. Research and development expenditure credit (RDEC)
If your company spends above 30% on R&D relative to your size, you might qualify for an enhanced rate.

3. Merged Scheme:
When claiming for accounting periods after April 2024, claims must go through the merged scheme. Essentially, this is a continuation of RDEC scheme, with some changes regarding sub-contracting.
*If the business is R&D intensive, different rates apply.  

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What Can You Claim For?

There are a range of costs that qualify for R&D tax relief: 
Staff costs
Gross salaries, bonuses, employers NI (national insurance), and employers pension contributions are eligible.
Consumables used in the R&D process
Resources utilised throughout your business's R&D process for example fuel and water.
Software licenses and data costs
Eligible computer software costs qualify for R&D tax relief and can be included in the claim. From accounting periods April 1st '23 data and cloud computing costs can also be eligible.  
If you outsource part of your R&D to external contractors or agency staff, you can claim a proportion of the cost in your R&D tax relief claim.

R&D tax relief eligibility check

If your company and its projects meets the criteria below, you may qualify for R&D tax relief
and should discuss your work with one of our highly qualified R&D tax consultants to ascertain more accurately
your eligibility for claiming and relief that you could be entitled to.

Is your company liable for corporation tax?

Has your project sought to develop something new where previously there was no available solution?
Did you encounter scientific or technological uncertainty during the project and was the solution difficult to create?
R&D tax relief

At a glance

SMEs can claim up to 33p for every £1 spent on qualifying R&D expenditure.
Larger companies can claim up to 15p for every £1 spent on R&D expenditure.
This innovation is applicable to products, services, processes or knowledge.

R&D Tax Relief at RCK

Industries we support

Look at eligible R&D tax relief costs within each industry and some case studies where we have helped companies claim R&D tax credits.

How to Claim

Here's the basic process for submitting an R&D Tax Credits claim:

Identify your R&D projects

Calculate the eligible costs

Write a technical report explaining the R&D in the projects and demonstrating how the relevant qualifying costs have been apportioned

Submit the claim to HMRC

This process explains why working with a provider, such as RCK, is important to bring together technical industry knowledge with technical scheme and tax expertise and compliance. We always recommend working with a trusted provider with in-house R&D tax relief specialists when submitting a claim, in order to mitigate the risk of an enquiry.

The Right Way to Claim

The claims process typically takes about 4-6 weeks. Our consulting team will need access to the competent professionals at the company and will need to hold interviews with them to establish project details and facts.

The process we follow to submit an R&D tax relief claim at RCK is as follows:
Today: Initial Consultation
We'll host an introductory call to have a conversation to understand your eligibility for R&D tax relief and identify relevant projects.
One Week: Technical Deep Dive
Our industry specialists work with your team to identify all eligible projects and gather the necessary details that support your tax credit claim.
Two Weeks: Cost Analysis
We meticulously review your accounts to calculate qualifying expenditures that meet the criteria outlined in the DSIT guidelines.
One Month: Report Writing, Quality Assurance, and Report Submission
HRMC aim to pay out 85% of payable tax credits within 90 days.

How to Get Started

Therefore, if you suspect your company is eligible for R&D tax credits, here's what you should consider as your next actionable steps: 

Project Reviews

Look into any projects you've undertaken in the previous two years, trying to identify any technical projects you've undertaken and innovation that you have carried out.

Gather Information

Once you've homed in on potential R&D Projects, gather all the pertinent information on the costs involved. This could be staff time, cost of materials, subcontractor fees, software used, etc.

Talk to a Specialist

At RCK, we understand that innovation is ultimately a cost for businesses. the scheme eases this burden and ensures that undertaking innovation can be a part of your businesses strategy to help your company stay competitive.  

Here at RCK, we would be answer any queries via our online form. Please use our contact form to submit all your queries, and we'll respond within 24 hours.

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We would be happy to help you, please get in touch with any queries by using our contact form. We’ll get back to you within 24 hours.

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